

ActivEX Unveils Promising Petrology Results at Aramac Project

ActivEX Limited ( ($AU:AIV) ) has shared an announcement.

ActivEX Limited has announced significant petrological findings from its Aramac Project in Queensland, highlighting the presence of a goethitic gossan, which could indicate deeper sulphide mineralisation. The company is also seeking government funding for an aeromagnetic and radiometric survey to enhance exploration, potentially impacting its operational focus and positioning in the mineral exploration industry.

More about ActivEX Limited

ActivEX Limited is a leading company in mineral exploration, focusing on discovering high-value mineral resources. With a strong commitment to sustainability and innovation, the company aims to provide lasting value for shareholders and positively impact the communities where it operates.

Average Trading Volume: 278,122

Technical Sentiment Consensus Rating: Strong Buy

Current Market Cap: A$1.51M

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