

Bilendi’s S2 2024 Liquidity Contract Report Highlights Balanced Share Transactions

Bilendi SA ( ($FR:ALBLD) ) has provided an announcement.

Bilendi’s semi-annual report for the second half of 2024 reveals the company’s liquidity contract activities with Gilbert Dupont, showing a slight decrease in shares and a minor increase in cash balance compared to June 2024. The report highlights that Bilendi successfully managed its share transactions with 1,110 purchases and 912 sales, indicating a balanced approach to its liquidity management.

More about Bilendi SA

Bilendi is a European leader in technologies, data, and AI solutions for the market research sector. It focuses on collecting and processing reliable data from various groups for researchers and economic and political actors. The company has a team of over 400 people and serves 1,700 clients across multiple countries, offering products like BARI, an AI for market research, and Bilendi Discuss, a SaaS-based market research platform.

YTD Price Performance: 4.10%

Average Trading Volume: 3,830

Technical Sentiment Consensus Rating: Strong Sell

Current Market Cap: €86.62M

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