

Foresight Enterprise VCT Announces New Share Allotment

The latest update is out from Foresight 4 VCT ( ($GB:FTF) ).

Foresight Enterprise VCT plc has announced the allotment of 15,105,477 new Ordinary Shares as part of a subscription offer. These shares, issued at prices between 54.30 and 58.10 pence based on an unaudited net asset value, will be admitted to the Official List and traded on the London Stock Exchange. This latest allotment brings the total number of shares issued under the offer to 50,638,931, with 313,933,731 Ordinary Shares now in circulation.

More about Foresight 4 VCT

YTD Price Performance: 0.0%

Average Trading Volume: 633,404

Technical Sentiment Consensus Rating: Strong Sell

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