

Mindflair Reports Substantial Gains in Tech Investment Portfolio

Pires Investments ( ($GB:MFAI) ) has issued an announcement.

Mindflair plc announced a significant increase in the net asset values (NAVs) of its investments in Sure Valley Ventures fund (SVV1) and Sure Ventures plc. The NAV of Mindflair’s investment in SVV1 rose by 35% to £7,353,377, while its investment in SV plc increased to £1,489,768, driven mainly by the rising valuation of Infinite Reality, a portfolio company. This growth reflects positively on Mindflair’s strategic positioning and suggests promising returns for stakeholders.

More about Pires Investments

Mindflair plc is an investment company that provides investors with access to a portfolio of next-generation technology businesses focused on artificial intelligence (AI) with significant growth potential. The company invests in high-tech sectors such as the Internet of Things, Cyber Security, Machine Learning, Immersive Technologies, and Big Data, all of which are poised for exponential growth due to increasing global demand.

YTD Price Performance: 83.33%

Average Trading Volume: 17,059,680

Technical Sentiment Consensus Rating: Sell

Current Market Cap: £5.4M

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